what to give my puppy after deworming...what should I have to give to eat for my puppy?(answer me soon)
After deworming the dog feed them in 30 mins to 1 hour, after deworming dog's appetite might be a bit low, but not to worry this is a common side effect of deworming offer them their favourite food or resume their normal feed.
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A free deworming u should not give any kind of food for 30-60min
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After than you can give his lunch as it is 12:24
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After deworming*
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Just feed her normally. Modern deworming rarely causes an upset stomach. Your puppy won't miss a lick.
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After you have dewormed your puppy, whether she had worms or not, you can feed her regularly as you usually do. There are no special dietary restrictions or avoidances. If she continues to eat or expel abnormally consider contacting your vet.
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thank you guys
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it's okay nivi
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don't give anything after deworming. Also , do the deworming at night after dinner . It is best to deworm a pup at night.
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In most cases, worming treatment is best given after a meal and when they're hydrated so it helps minimise the feeling of sickness.
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vet only advices me to deworm at morning
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Ideall, you should given the tablet with small amount of food on empty stomach and feed about 1hr later.
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Making your dog their favorite food after they have just been dewormed is a fantastic idea.
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I have already given the answer for this. Please have a look.
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